All our projects are designed with long term sustainability as a core objective. We wish to keep central overheads as low as possible and apply maximum resources into the delivery of the projects themselves, so that when any initial donor funding has been fully utilised, there is a solid foundation for the recipients to build upon.
Disaster Relief. From the horrors of the May 12th 2008 Sichuan Earthquake, new hope was born through the efforts of our sister organisation Hua Mei International Eduaction & Training. The need was great, and CRDF was founded so that any future humanitarian aid and relief could be efficiently delivered wherever needed.
Left Behind Childrens' Loving Care Centres. We are establishing a network of centres based within rural schools where the need is greatest. The first of these was fully operational in 2011 at Nianpan Public School in Nanjiang County, Sichuan Province. In 2013 and again for 2014 we received National Government funding to operate a 5 day "Healthy Growth Summer Camp" for Left Behind Children.
Adult Literacy Projects. We are operating rural programmes seeking to teach elderly folk basic reading and writing skills.
Micro-Finance Projects. We have funded the successful start-up of a rural mushroom farm, bringing sustainable employment and high agricultural standards to a location with limited local opportunities.
Water Purification. School based systems installed to provide clean water for pupils and staff.
Medical Support. We have partnered with expert medical teams with specialist skills to work in remote rural areas where the needs are greatest. These have included psychological support and councelling needs in the years following the 5/12 'quake.
Disaster Relief. From the horrors of the May 12th 2008 Sichuan Earthquake, new hope was born through the efforts of our sister organisation Hua Mei International Eduaction & Training. The need was great, and CRDF was founded so that any future humanitarian aid and relief could be efficiently delivered wherever needed.
Left Behind Childrens' Loving Care Centres. We are establishing a network of centres based within rural schools where the need is greatest. The first of these was fully operational in 2011 at Nianpan Public School in Nanjiang County, Sichuan Province. In 2013 and again for 2014 we received National Government funding to operate a 5 day "Healthy Growth Summer Camp" for Left Behind Children.
Adult Literacy Projects. We are operating rural programmes seeking to teach elderly folk basic reading and writing skills.
Micro-Finance Projects. We have funded the successful start-up of a rural mushroom farm, bringing sustainable employment and high agricultural standards to a location with limited local opportunities.
Water Purification. School based systems installed to provide clean water for pupils and staff.
Medical Support. We have partnered with expert medical teams with specialist skills to work in remote rural areas where the needs are greatest. These have included psychological support and councelling needs in the years following the 5/12 'quake.